NCCpm - Reclaiming Awareness through Spritual Disciplines and Practices

Sep 15, 2024    Pastor Cedric Hill

Exodus 20:8-11 (CSB)

-God created you to work.

Genesis 2:15 (CSB)

Genesis 2:2-3 (CSB)

-God created you to rest.

Exodus 20:2 (CSB)

-In contrast to a pharaoh who demands more and more work, we have a God that insists on rest.

-God equates success within the rhythm of work and rest.

-Sabbath rest as a command is not a response to work, it’s a response to slavery.

-Pharaoh rests, while we work. God rests, so we rest.

-The Sabbath is a 24-hour time period set aside to stop, rest, delight, and worship.

-Sabbath: to stop; intermission

-Life will not stop if you don’t choose to stop

-Formation requires repetition

-Rest is essential to a life of discipleship to Jesus

-Prepare ahead of time

-Make it your own

-Think more than just spiritual